Designer Vaginoplasty

Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® (DLV®) is the aesthetic laser surgical enhancement of the vulvar structures (labia minora, labia majora, mons pubis, perineum, introitus). Although our experience and techniques provide us the ability to design most anything that one can desire, our most common DLV® procedures are as follows:

DLV® – Laser Reduction Labioplasty (of the labia minora) can sculpture the elongated or unequal labia minora (small inner lips) according to ones specification. Most women tell us that they do not want the small inner lips to project beyond the large outer lips. Many women bring us magazines such as Playboy and say that they want to look like this. With DLV® -laser reduction labioplasty, we can accomplish the desires of the woman.

DLV® – Reduction of Excess Prepuce (excess skin along the sides of the clitoris) Women tell us that they want the skin to drape neatly over the clitoris. The reduction of the excess prepuce provides the desired aesthetic enhancement of the clitoral skin. The majority of women having laser reduction labioplasty need the reduction of excess prepuce for a complete aesthetic result

DLV® – Laser Reduction Labioplasty with combined reduction of the thickness of the labia minora. Some women note that due to childbirth, aging, or genetics the labia minora are too wide or thick. A combined reduction of the labia minora along with the thickness, can be accomplished with DLV® -laser reduction labioplasty and provide the desired aesthetic look.

DLV® – Removal of the hyperpigmented ends of the labia minora through DLV® -laser reduction labioplasty can be accomplished. Some women do not like the hyperpigmented ends of the labia minora. They desire to have a uniform coloration throughout.

DLV® – Laser Reduction Labioplasty® of the labia majora (large outer lips). The large protruding or sagging labia majora can be aesthetically sculptured by one of three DLV® – laser methods to produce an aesthetically pleasing result. This sagging process can result from childbirth weight gain/weight loss or aging. Our DLV® -laser reduction labioplasty will restore that youthful look and feel.

DLV® – Laser Perineoplasty can rejuvenate the relaxed or aging vulvar introitus (vaginal opening), labia minora, labia majora and perineum (area immediately outside the vagina and above the anus) to provide that youthful, aesthetic look and feel of the vulvar structures.

DLV® – Our Laser Labioplasty techniques can also be used to reconstruct conditions that are due to the aging process, vulvar trauma/injury, or childbirth trauma.

DLV® – Augmentation Labioplasty of the labia majora via autologous fat transfer (your own fat). Some women feel that the labia majora are too flat or small and they want them augmented or enhanced according to their specifications. This can be done by removing a small amount of fat via liposculpturing from a particular area such as the abdomen, hips, or thighs. The fat is then processed and a small amount is injected into the fat of the labia majora. This provides a beautiful and natural enhancement of the labia majora.

DLV® – Vulvar Liposculpturing can completely remove the unsightly fatty bulges of the mons pubis (pubic area) and labia majora. The fatty accumulations in these structures produce clothing, undergarment, and bathing suit irregularities and bulges. In some cases it can prevent women from wearing clothing of their choice. DLV® -Vulvar liposculpturing will aesthetically enhance, reduce and define the structures.

DLV® – Combination of LVR® and DLV®: All of the DLV® procedures can be performed in combination with LVR®.

DLV® – Overall the laser procedures can provide youthful and aesthetically appealing vulva structures (labia majora, labia minora, introitus, perineum and mons pubis).

If you would like to meet with Dr. Otto Huertas to discuss your options, please contact our practice today. Dr. Huertas will be happy to answer your questions and talk with you about procedures that may be right for you.






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